api / org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl / ArtifactHandler


interface ArtifactHandler

This class is for defining artifacts to be published and adding them to configurations. Creating publish artifacts does not mean to create an archive. What is created is a domain object which represents a file to be published and information on how it should be published (e.g. the name).

To create an publish artifact and assign it to a configuration you can use the following syntax:

<configurationName> <artifact-notation>, <artifact-notation> ... or <configurationName> <artifact-notation> { ... some code to configure the artifact }

The notation can be one of the following types:

In each case, a ConfigurablePublishArtifact instance is created for the artifact, to allow artifact properties to be configured. You can also override the default values for artifact properties by using a closure to configure the properties of the artifact instance


An example showing how to associate an archive task with a configuration via the artifact handler. This way the archive can be published or referred in other projects via the configuration.

 configurations { //declaring new configuration that will be used to associate with artifacts schema } task schemaJar(type: Jar) { //some imaginary task that creates a jar artifact with some schema } //associating the task that produces the artifact with the configuration artifacts { //configuration name and the task: schema schemaJar } 



abstract fun add(configurationName: String, artifactNotation: Any): PublishArtifact
abstract fun add(configurationName: String, artifactNotation: Any, configureClosure: Closure<Any>): PublishArtifact
abstract fun add(configurationName: String, artifactNotation: Any, configureAction: Action<in ConfigurablePublishArtifact>): PublishArtifact

Adds an artifact to the given configuration.