api / org.gradle.api.artifacts / ArtifactView / ViewConfiguration


@Incubating interface ViewConfiguration : HasConfigurableAttributes<ViewConfiguration>

Configuration for a defined artifact view.




abstract fun componentFilter(componentFilter: Spec<in ComponentIdentifier>): ViewConfiguration

Specify a filter for the components that should be included in this view. Only artifacts from components matching the supplied filter will be returned by #getFiles() or #getArtifacts(). This method cannot be called a multiple times for a view.


abstract fun isLenient(): Boolean

Determines whether the view should be resolved in a 'lenient' fashion. When set to true, this view will resolve as many artifacts and/or files as possible collecting any failures. When set to false, any failures will be propagated as exceptions when the view is resolved.


abstract fun lenient(lenient: Boolean): ViewConfiguration

Specify if the view should be resolved in a 'lenient' fashion. When set to true, this view will resolve as many artifacts and/or files as possible collecting any failures. When set to false, any failures will be propagated as exceptions when the view is resolved.


abstract fun setLenient(lenient: Boolean): Unit

Specify if the view should be resolved in a 'lenient' fashion. When set to true, this view will resolve as many artifacts and/or files as possible collecting any failures. When set to false, any failures will be propagated as exceptions when the view is resolved.

Inherited Functions


abstract fun attributes(action: Action<in AttributeContainer>): SELF

Configure the attribute container that provides the attributes associated with this domain object.