api / org.gradle.api.artifacts / ClientModule


interface ClientModule : ExternalModuleDependency

To model a module in your dependency declarations. Usually you can either declare a single dependency artifact or you declare a module dependency that depends on a module descriptor in a repository. With a client module you can declare a module dependency without the need of a module descriptor in a remote repository.



abstract fun addDependency(dependency: ModuleDependency): Unit

Add a dependency to the client module. Such a dependency is transitive dependency for the project that has a dependency on the client module.


abstract fun copy(): ClientModule



abstract fun getDependencies(): MutableSet<ModuleDependency>

Returns all the dependencies added to the client module.


abstract fun getId(): String

Returns the id of the client module. This is usually only used for internal handling of the client module.

Inherited Functions


abstract fun isChanging(): Boolean

Returns whether or not Gradle should always check for a change in the remote repository.


abstract fun setChanging(changing: Boolean): ExternalModuleDependency

Sets whether or not Gradle should always check for a change in the remote repository. If set to true, Gradle will check the remote repository even if a dependency with the same version is already in the local cache. Defaults to false.



class ClientModuleScope : ClientModule

Receiver for ClientModule configuration blocks.