api / org.gradle.api.artifacts / DependencySubstitutions / all


abstract fun all(rule: Action<in DependencySubstitution>): DependencySubstitutions

Adds a dependency substitution rule that is triggered for every dependency (including transitive) when the configuration is being resolved. The action receives an instance of DependencySubstitution that can be used to find out what dependency is being resolved and to influence the resolution process.


 configurations { main } // add dependency substitution rules configurations.main.resolutionStrategy.dependencySubstitution { // Use a rule to change the dependency module while leaving group + version intact all { DependencySubstitution dependency -> if (dependency.requested instanceof ModuleComponentSelector && dependency.requested.name == 'groovy-all') { dependency.useTarget details.requested.group + ':groovy:' + details.requested.version } } // Use a rule to replace all missing projects with module dependencies all { DependencySubstitution dependency -> if (dependency.requested instanceof ProjectComponentSelector) { def targetProject = findProject(":${dependency.requested.path}") if (targetProject == null) { dependency.useTarget "org.myorg:" + dependency.requested.path + ":+" } } } } 
The rules are evaluated in order they are declared. Rules are evaluated after forced modules are applied (see ResolutionStrategy#force(Object...)
