api / org.gradle.api.artifacts / ResolutionStrategy


interface ResolutionStrategy

Defines the strategies around dependency resolution. For example, forcing certain dependency versions, substitutions, conflict resolutions or snapshot timeouts.


 apply plugin: 'java' //so that there are some configurations configurations.all { resolutionStrategy { // fail eagerly on version conflict (includes transitive dependencies) // e.g. multiple different versions of the same dependency (group and name are equal) failOnVersionConflict() // prefer modules that are part of this build (multi-project or composite build) over external modules preferProjectModules() // force certain versions of dependencies (including transitive) // *append new forced modules: force 'asm:asm-all:3.3.1', 'commons-io:commons-io:1.4' // *replace existing forced modules with new ones: forcedModules = ['asm:asm-all:3.3.1'] // add dependency substitution rules dependencySubstitution { substitute module('org.gradle:api') with project(':api') substitute project(':util') with module('org.gradle:util:3.0') } // cache dynamic versions for 10 minutes cacheDynamicVersionsFor 10*60, 'seconds' // don't cache changing modules at all cacheChangingModulesFor 0, 'seconds' } } 




class SortOrder

Defines the sort order for components and artifacts produced by the configuration.



abstract fun activateDependencyLocking(): ResolutionStrategy

Activates dependency locking support in Gradle. Once turned on on a configuration, resolution result can be saved and then reused for subsequent builds. This enables reproducible builds when using dynamic versions.


abstract fun cacheChangingModulesFor(value: Int, units: String): Unit

Sets the length of time that changing modules will be cached, with units expressed as a String.

A convenience method for #cacheChangingModulesFor(int, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) with units expressed as a String. Units are resolved by calling the valueOf(String) method of java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit with the upper-cased string value.

abstract fun cacheChangingModulesFor(value: Int, units: TimeUnit): Unit

Sets the length of time that changing modules will be cached.

Gradle caches the contents and artifacts of changing modules. By default, these cached values are kept for 24 hours, after which the cached entry is expired and the module is resolved again.

Use this method to provide a custom expiry time after which the cached entries for any changing module will be expired.


abstract fun cacheDynamicVersionsFor(value: Int, units: String): Unit

Sets the length of time that dynamic versions will be cached, with units expressed as a String.

A convenience method for #cacheDynamicVersionsFor(int, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) with units expressed as a String. Units are resolved by calling the valueOf(String) method of java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit with the upper-cased string value.

abstract fun cacheDynamicVersionsFor(value: Int, units: TimeUnit): Unit

Sets the length of time that dynamic versions will be cached.

Gradle keeps a cache of dynamic version => resolved version (ie 2.+ => 2.3). By default, these cached values are kept for 24 hours, after which the cached entry is expired and the dynamic version is resolved again.

Use this method to provide a custom expiry time after which the cached value for any dynamic version will be expired.


abstract fun componentSelection(action: Action<in ComponentSelectionRules>): ResolutionStrategy

The componentSelection block provides rules to filter or blacklist certain components from appearing in the resolution result.


abstract fun dependencySubstitution(action: Action<in DependencySubstitutions>): ResolutionStrategy

Configures the set of dependency substitution rules for this configuration. The action receives an instance of DependencySubstitutions which can then be configured with substitution rules.


 // add dependency substitution rules configurations.all { resolutionStrategy.dependencySubstitution { // Substitute project and module dependencies substitute module('org.gradle:api') with project(':api') substitute project(':util') with module('org.gradle:util:3.0') // Substitute one module dependency for another substitute module('org.gradle:api:2.0') with module('org.gradle:api:2.1') } } 


abstract fun eachDependency(rule: Action<in DependencyResolveDetails>): ResolutionStrategy

Adds a dependency substitution rule that is triggered for every dependency (including transitive) when the configuration is being resolved. The action receives an instance of DependencyResolveDetails that can be used to find out what dependency is being resolved and to influence the resolution process. Example:

 configurations { compile.resolutionStrategy { eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details -> //specifying a fixed version for all libraries with 'org.gradle' group if (details.requested.group == 'org.gradle') { details.useVersion '1.4' } } eachDependency { details -> //multiple actions can be specified if (details.requested.name == 'groovy-all') { //changing the name: details.useTarget group: details.requested.group, name: 'groovy', version: details.requested.version } } } } 
The rules are evaluated in order they are declared. Rules are evaluated after forced modules are applied (see #force(Object...)


abstract fun failOnVersionConflict(): ResolutionStrategy

In case of conflict, Gradle by default uses the newest of conflicting versions. However, you can change this behavior. Use this method to configure the resolution to fail eagerly on any version conflict, e.g. multiple different versions of the same dependency (group and name are equal) in the same Configuration. The check includes both first level and transitive dependencies. See example below:

 apply plugin: 'java' //so that there are some configurations configurations.all { resolutionStrategy.failOnVersionConflict() } 


abstract fun force(vararg moduleVersionSelectorNotations: Any): ResolutionStrategy

Allows forcing certain versions of dependencies, including transitive dependencies. Appends new forced modules to be considered when resolving dependencies.

It accepts following notations:

  • String in a format of: 'group:name:version', for example: 'org.gradle:gradle-core:1.0'
  • instance of ModuleVersionSelector
  • any collection or array of above will be automatically flattened
 apply plugin: 'java' //so that there are some configurations configurations.all { resolutionStrategy.force 'asm:asm-all:3.3.1', 'commons-io:commons-io:1.4' } 


abstract fun getComponentSelection(): ComponentSelectionRules

Returns the currently configured version selection rules object.


abstract fun getDependencySubstitution(): DependencySubstitutions

Returns the set of dependency substitution rules that are set for this configuration.


abstract fun getForcedModules(): MutableSet<ModuleVersionSelector>

Returns currently configured forced modules. For more information on forcing versions see #force(Object...)


abstract fun preferProjectModules(): Unit

Gradle can resolve conflicts purely by version number or prioritize project dependencies over binary. The default is by version number.

This applies to both first level and transitive dependencies. See example below:

 apply plugin: 'java' //so that there are some configurations configurations.all { resolutionStrategy.preferProjectModules() } 


abstract fun setForcedModules(vararg moduleVersionSelectorNotations: Any): ResolutionStrategy

Allows forcing certain versions of dependencies, including transitive dependencies. Replaces existing forced modules with the input.

For information on notations see #force(Object...)


 apply plugin: 'java' //so that there are some configurations configurations.all { resolutionStrategy.forcedModules = ['asm:asm-all:3.3.1', 'commons-io:commons-io:1.4'] } 


abstract fun sortArtifacts(sortOrder: SortOrder): Unit

Specifies the ordering for resolved artifacts. Options are:

  • SortOrder#DEFAULT : Don't specify the sort order. Gradle will provide artifacts in the default order.
  • SortOrder#CONSUMER_FIRST : Artifacts for a consuming component should appear before artifacts for it's dependencies.
  • SortOrder#DEPENDENCY_FIRST : Artifacts for a consuming component should appear after artifacts for it's dependencies.
A best attempt will be made to sort artifacts according the supplied SortOrder, but no guarantees will be made in the presence of dependency cycles. NOTE: For a particular Gradle version, artifact ordering will be consistent. Multiple resolves for the same inputs will result in the same outputs in the same order.