api / org.gradle.api.file / FileCollection / addToAntBuilder


abstract fun addToAntBuilder(builder: Any, nodeName: String, type: AntType): Unit

Adds this collection to an Ant task as a nested node. The given type determines how this collection is added:

You should prefer using AntType#ResourceCollection, if the target Ant task supports it, as this is generally the most efficient. Using the other types may involve copying the contents of this collection to a temporary directory.


builder - The builder to add this collection to.

nodeName - The target node name.

type - The target Ant type

abstract fun addToAntBuilder(builder: Any, nodeName: String): Any

Overrides AntBuilderAware.addToAntBuilder

Adds this collection to an Ant task as a nested node. Equivalent to calling addToAntBuilder(builder, nodeName,AntType.ResourceCollection).