api / org.gradle.api.plugins.osgi / OsgiManifest


interface OsgiManifest : Manifest

Represents a manifest file for a JAR containing an OSGi bundle.



abstract fun getClassesDir(): File

Returns the classes dir.


abstract fun getClasspath(): FileCollection

Returns the classpath.


abstract fun getDescription(): String

Returns the description.


abstract fun getDocURL(): String

Returns the docURL value.


abstract fun getInstructions(): MutableMap<String, MutableList<String>>

Returns all existing instruction.


abstract fun getLicense(): String

Returns the license.


abstract fun getName(): String

Returns the name.


abstract fun getSymbolicName(): String

Returns the symbolic name.


abstract fun getVendor(): String

Returns the vendor.


abstract fun getVersion(): String

Returns the version.


abstract fun instruction(name: String, vararg values: String): OsgiManifest

Adds arguments to an instruction. If the instruction does not exists, it is created. If it does exists, the arguments are appended to the existing arguments.


abstract fun instructionFirst(name: String, vararg values: String): OsgiManifest

Adds arguments to an instruction. If the instruction does not exists, it is created. If it does exists, the arguments are inserted before the existing arguments.


abstract fun instructionReplace(name: String, vararg values: String): OsgiManifest

Sets the values for an instruction. If the instruction does not exists, it is created. If it does exists, the values replace the existing values.


abstract fun instructionValue(instructionName: String): MutableList<String>

Returns the list of arguments for a particular instruction.


abstract fun setClassesDir(classesDir: File): Unit

Sets the classes dir. This directory is the major source of input for generation the OSGi manifest. All classes are analyzed for its packages and package dependencies. Based on this the Import-Package value is set. This auto generated value can be overwritten by explicitly setting an instruction.


abstract fun setClasspath(classpath: FileCollection): Unit

A convenient method for setting a Bundle-Classpath instruction. The information of the classpath elements are only used if they are OSGi bundles. In this case for example the version information provided by the bundle is used in the Import-Package of the generated OSGi bundle.


abstract fun setDescription(description: String): Unit

A convenient method for setting a Bundle-Description instruction.


abstract fun setDocURL(docURL: String): Unit

A convenient method for setting a Bundle-DocURL instruction.


abstract fun setLicense(license: String): Unit

A convenient method for setting a Bundle-License instruction.


abstract fun setName(name: String): Unit

A convenient method for setting a Bundle-Name instruction.


abstract fun setSymbolicName(symbolicName: String): Unit

A convenient method for setting a Bundle-SymbolicName instruction.


abstract fun setVendor(vendor: String): Unit

A convenient method for setting a Bundle-Vendor instruction.


abstract fun setVersion(version: String): Unit

A convenient method for setting a Bundle-Version instruction.

Inherited Functions


abstract fun attributes(attributes: MutableMap<String, *>): Manifest

Adds content to the main attributes of the manifest.

abstract fun attributes(attributes: MutableMap<String, *>, sectionName: String): Manifest

Adds content to the given section of the manifest.


abstract fun from(vararg mergePath: Any): Manifest

Specifies other manifests to be merged into this manifest. A merge path can either be another instance of org.gradle.api.java.archives.Manifest or a file path as interpreted by org.gradle.api.Project#files(Object...). The merge is not happening instantaneously. It happens either before writing or when #getEffectiveManifest() is called.

abstract fun from(mergePath: Any, closure: Closure<*>): Manifest

Specifies other manifests to be merged into this manifest. A merge path is interpreted as described in #from(Object...). The merge is not happening instantaneously. It happens either before writing or when #getEffectiveManifest() is called. The closure configures the underlying org.gradle.api.java.archives.ManifestMergeSpec.


abstract fun getAttributes(): Attributes

Returns the main attributes of the manifest.


abstract fun getEffectiveManifest(): Manifest

Returns a new manifest instance where all the attribute values are expanded (e.g. their toString method is called). The returned manifest also contains all the attributes of the to be merged manifests specified in #from(Object...).


abstract fun getSections(): MutableMap<String, Attributes>

Returns the sections of the manifest (excluding the main section).


abstract fun writeTo(path: Any): Manifest

Writes the manifest into a file. The path's are resolved as defined by org.gradle.api.Project#files(Object...) The manifest will be encoded using the character set defined by the org.gradle.jvm.tasks.Jar#getManifestContentCharset() property.