api / org.gradle.api.plugins.osgi / OsgiPluginConvention / osgiManifest


open fun osgiManifest(): OsgiManifest

Creates a new instance of org.gradle.api.plugins.osgi.OsgiManifest. The returned object is preconfigured with:

 version: project.version name: project.archivesBaseName symbolicName: project.group + "." + project.archivesBaseName (see below for exceptions to this rule) 
The symbolic name is usually the group + "." + archivesBaseName, with the following exceptions

open fun osgiManifest(closure: Closure<Any>): OsgiManifest

Creates and configures a new instance of an org.gradle.api.plugins.osgi.OsgiManifest . The closure configures the new manifest instance before it is returned.

open fun osgiManifest(action: Action<in OsgiManifest>): OsgiManifest

Creates and configures a new instance of an org.gradle.api.plugins.osgi.OsgiManifest. The action configures the new manifest instance before it is returned.
