api / org.gradle.api.plugins.quality / FindBugs


@CacheableTask open class FindBugs : SourceTask, VerificationTask, Reporting<FindBugsReports>

Analyzes code with FindBugs. See the FindBugs Manual for additional information on configuration options.






open fun extraArgs(arguments: MutableIterable<String>): FindBugs
open fun extraArgs(vararg arguments: String): FindBugs

Any additional arguments (not covered here more explicitly like effort) to be passed along to FindBugs.

Extra arguments are passed to FindBugs after the arguments Gradle understands (like effort but before the list of classes to analyze. This should only be used for arguments that cannot be provided by Gradle directly. Gradle does not try to interpret or validate the arguments before passing them to FindBugs.

See the FindBugs TextUICommandLine source for available options.


open fun getClasses(): FileCollection

The class directories to be analyzed.


open fun getClasspath(): FileCollection

Compile class path for the classes to be analyzed. The classes on this class path are used during analysis but aren't analyzed themselves.


open fun getEffort(): String

The analysis effort level. The value specified should be one of min, default, or max. Higher levels increase precision and find more bugs at the expense of running time and memory consumption.


open fun getExcludeBugsFilter(): File

The filename of a filter specifying baseline bugs to exclude from being reported.


open fun getExcludeBugsFilterConfig(): TextResource

A filter specifying baseline bugs to exclude from being reported.


open fun getExcludeFilter(): File

The filename of a filter specifying bugs to exclude from being reported.


open fun getExcludeFilterConfig(): TextResource

A filter specifying bugs to exclude from being reported. Replaces the excludeFilter property.


open fun getExtraArgs(): MutableCollection<String>

Any additional arguments (not covered here more explicitly like effort) to be passed along to FindBugs.

Extra arguments are passed to FindBugs after the arguments Gradle understands (like effort but before the list of classes to analyze. This should only be used for arguments that cannot be provided by Gradle directly. Gradle does not try to interpret or validate the arguments before passing them to FindBugs.

See the FindBugs TextUICommandLine source for available options.


open fun getFindbugsClasspath(): FileCollection

Class path holding the FindBugs library.


open fun getIgnoreFailures(): Boolean

Whether to allow the build to continue if there are warnings.


open fun getIncludeFilter(): File

The filename of a filter specifying which bugs are reported.


open fun getIncludeFilterConfig(): TextResource

A filter specifying which bugs are reported. Replaces the includeFilter property.


open fun getJvmArgs(): MutableCollection<String>

Any additional arguments to be passed along to FindBugs JVM process.

Arguments can contain general JVM flags like -Xdebug and also FindBugs system properties like -Dfindbugs.loadPropertiesFrom=...


open fun getMaxHeapSize(): String

The maximum heap size for the forked findbugs process (ex: '1g').


open fun getObjectFactory(): ObjectFactory

Injects and returns an instance of org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory.


open fun getOmitVisitors(): MutableCollection<String>

Similar to visitors except that it specifies bug detectors which should not be run. By default, no visitors are omitted.


open fun getPluginClasspath(): FileCollection

Class path holding any additional FindBugs plugins.


open fun getReportLevel(): String

The priority threshold for reporting bugs. If set to low, all bugs are reported. If set to medium (the default), medium and high priority bugs are reported. If set to high, only high priority bugs are reported.


open fun getReports(): FindBugsReports

The reports to be generated by this task.


open fun getShowProgress(): Boolean

Indicates whether analysis progress should be rendered on standard output. Defaults to false.


open fun getSource(): FileTree



open fun getVisitors(): MutableCollection<String>

The bug detectors which should be run. The bug detectors are specified by their class names, without any package qualification. By default, all detectors which are not disabled by default are run.


open fun getWorkerProcessBuilderFactory(): WorkerProcessFactory


open fun jvmArgs(arguments: MutableIterable<String>): FindBugs
open fun jvmArgs(vararg arguments: String): FindBugs

Any additional arguments to be passed along to FindBugs JVM process.

Arguments can contain general JVM flags like -Xdebug and also FindBugs system properties like -Dfindbugs.loadPropertiesFrom=...


open fun reports(closure: Closure<Any>): FindBugsReports
open fun reports(configureAction: Action<in FindBugsReports>): FindBugsReports

Configures the reports to be generated by this task. The contained reports can be configured by name and closures. Example:

 findbugsTask { reports { xml { destination "build/findbugs.xml" } } } 


open fun run(): Unit


open fun setClasses(classes: FileCollection): Unit

The class directories to be analyzed.


open fun setClasspath(classpath: FileCollection): Unit

Compile class path for the classes to be analyzed. The classes on this class path are used during analysis but aren't analyzed themselves.


open fun setEffort(effort: String): Unit

The analysis effort level. The value specified should be one of min, default, or max. Higher levels increase precision and find more bugs at the expense of running time and memory consumption.


open fun setExcludeBugsFilter(filter: File): Unit

The filename of a filter specifying baseline bugs to exclude from being reported.


open fun setExcludeBugsFilterConfig(excludeBugsFilterConfig: TextResource): Unit

A filter specifying baseline bugs to exclude from being reported.


open fun setExcludeFilter(filter: File): Unit

The filename of a filter specifying bugs to exclude from being reported.


open fun setExcludeFilterConfig(excludeFilterConfig: TextResource): Unit

A filter specifying bugs to exclude from being reported. Replaces the excludeFilter property.


open fun setExtraArgs(extraArgs: MutableCollection<String>): Unit

Any additional arguments (not covered here more explicitly like effort) to be passed along to FindBugs.

Extra arguments are passed to FindBugs after the arguments Gradle understands (like effort but before the list of classes to analyze. This should only be used for arguments that cannot be provided by Gradle directly. Gradle does not try to interpret or validate the arguments before passing them to FindBugs.

See the FindBugs TextUICommandLine source for available options.


open fun setFindbugsClasspath(findbugsClasspath: FileCollection): Unit

Class path holding the FindBugs library.


open fun setIgnoreFailures(ignoreFailures: Boolean): Unit

Whether to allow the build to continue if there are warnings.


open fun setIncludeFilter(filter: File): Unit

The filename of a filter specifying which bugs are reported.


open fun setIncludeFilterConfig(includeFilterConfig: TextResource): Unit

A filter specifying which bugs are reported. Replaces the includeFilter property.


open fun setJvmArgs(jvmArgs: MutableCollection<String>): Unit

Any additional arguments to be passed along to FindBugs JVM process.

Arguments can contain general JVM flags like -Xdebug and also FindBugs system properties like -Dfindbugs.loadPropertiesFrom=...


open fun setMaxHeapSize(maxHeapSize: String): Unit

The maximum heap size for the forked findbugs process (ex: '1g').


open fun setOmitVisitors(omitVisitors: MutableCollection<String>): Unit

Similar to visitors except that it specifies bug detectors which should not be run. By default, no visitors are omitted.


open fun setPluginClasspath(pluginClasspath: FileCollection): Unit

Class path holding any additional FindBugs plugins.


open fun setReportLevel(reportLevel: String): Unit

The priority threshold for reporting bugs. If set to low, all bugs are reported. If set to medium (the default), medium and high priority bugs are reported. If set to high, only high priority bugs are reported.


open fun setShowProgress(showProgress: Boolean): Unit

Indicates whether analysis progress should be rendered on standard output.


open fun setVisitors(visitors: MutableCollection<String>): Unit

The bug detectors which should be run. The bug detectors are specified by their class names, without any package qualification. By default, all detectors which are not disabled by default are run.

Inherited Functions


open fun exclude(vararg excludes: String): SourceTask
open fun exclude(excludes: MutableIterable<String>): SourceTask
open fun exclude(excludeSpec: Spec<FileTreeElement>): SourceTask
open fun exclude(excludeSpec: Closure<Any>): SourceTask



open fun getExcludes(): MutableSet<String>



open fun getIncludes(): MutableSet<String>



open fun include(vararg includes: String): SourceTask
open fun include(includes: MutableIterable<String>): SourceTask
open fun include(includeSpec: Spec<FileTreeElement>): SourceTask
open fun include(includeSpec: Closure<Any>): SourceTask



open fun setExcludes(excludes: MutableIterable<String>): SourceTask



open fun setIncludes(includes: MutableIterable<String>): SourceTask



open fun setSource(source: FileTree): Unit

Sets the source for this task.

open fun setSource(source: Any): Unit

Sets the source for this task. The given source object is evaluated as per org.gradle.api.Project#files(Object...).


open fun source(vararg sources: Any): SourceTask

Adds some source to this task. The given source objects will be evaluated as per org.gradle.api.Project#files(Object...).