api / org.gradle.api.plugins / ObjectConfigurationAction


interface ObjectConfigurationAction

An ObjectConfigurationAction allows you to apply org.gradle.api.Plugins and scripts to an object or objects.



abstract fun from(script: Any): ObjectConfigurationAction

Adds a script to use to configure the target objects. You can call this method multiple times, to use multiple scripts. Scripts and plugins are applied in the order that they are added.


abstract fun plugin(pluginClass: Class<out Plugin<Any>>): ObjectConfigurationAction
abstract fun plugin(pluginId: String): ObjectConfigurationAction

Adds a org.gradle.api.Plugin to use to configure the target objects. You can call this method multiple times, to use multiple plugins. Scripts and plugins are applied in the order that they are added.


abstract fun to(vararg targets: Any): ObjectConfigurationAction

Specifies some target objects to be configured. Any collections or arrays in the given parameters will be flattened, and the script applied to each object in the result, in the order given. Each call to this method adds some additional target objects.


abstract fun type(pluginClass: Class<*>): ObjectConfigurationAction

Adds the plugin implemented by the given class to the target.

The class is expected to either implement Plugin, or extend org.gradle.model.RuleSource. An exception will be thrown if the class is not a valid plugin implementation.

Extension Functions


fun <T : Plugin<*>> ObjectConfigurationAction.plugin(): ObjectConfigurationAction

Adds a Plugin to use to configure the target objects. This method may be called multiple times, to use multiple plugins. Scripts and plugins are applied in the order that they are added.