api / org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging / TestLogging


interface TestLogging

Options that determine which test events get logged, and at which detail.



abstract fun events(vararg events: Any): Unit

Sets the events to be logged. Events can be passed as enum values (e.g. TestLogEvent#FAILED) or Strings (e.g. "failed").


abstract fun getDisplayGranularity(): Int

Returns the display granularity of the events to be logged. For example, if set to 0, a method-level event will be displayed as "Test Run > Test Worker x > org.SomeClass > org.someMethod". If set to 2, the same event will be displayed as "org.someClass > org.someMethod".

-1 denotes the highest granularity and corresponds to an atomic test.


abstract fun getEvents(): MutableSet<TestLogEvent>

Returns the events to be logged.


abstract fun getExceptionFormat(): TestExceptionFormat

Returns the format to be used for logging test exceptions. Only relevant if showStackTraces is true.


abstract fun getMaxGranularity(): Int

Returns the maximum granularity of the events to be logged. Typically, 0 corresponds to the Gradle-generated test suite for the whole test run, 1 corresponds to the Gradle-generated test suite for a particular test JVM, 2 corresponds to a test class, and 3 corresponds to a test method. These values will vary if user-defined suites are executed.

-1 denotes the highest granularity and corresponds to an atomic test.


abstract fun getMinGranularity(): Int

Returns the minimum granularity of the events to be logged. Typically, 0 corresponds to the Gradle-generated test suite for the whole test run, 1 corresponds to the Gradle-generated test suite for a particular test JVM, 2 corresponds to a test class, and 3 corresponds to a test method. These values will vary if user-defined suites are executed.

-1 denotes the highest granularity and corresponds to an atomic test.


abstract fun getShowCauses(): Boolean

Tells whether causes of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged. Only relevant if showExceptions is true.


abstract fun getShowExceptions(): Boolean

Tells whether exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged. Typically these exceptions coincide with a "failed" event.


abstract fun getShowStackTraces(): Boolean

Tells whether stack traces of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged.


abstract fun getShowStandardStreams(): Boolean

Tells whether output on standard out and standard error will be logged. Equivalent to checking if both log events TestLogEvent.STANDARD_OUT and TestLogEvent.STANDARD_ERROR are set.


abstract fun getStackTraceFilters(): MutableSet<TestStackTraceFilter>

Returns the set of filters to be used for sanitizing test stack traces.


abstract fun setDisplayGranularity(granularity: Int): Unit

Sets the display granularity of the events to be logged. For example, if set to 0, a method-level event will be displayed as "Test Run > Test Worker x > org.SomeClass > org.someMethod". If set to 2, the same event will be displayed as "org.someClass > org.someMethod".

-1 denotes the highest granularity and corresponds to an atomic test.


abstract fun setEvents(events: MutableSet<TestLogEvent>): Unit
abstract fun setEvents(events: MutableIterable<*>): Unit

Sets the events to be logged.


abstract fun setExceptionFormat(exceptionFormat: TestExceptionFormat): Unit
abstract fun setExceptionFormat(exceptionFormat: Any): Unit

Sets the format to be used for logging test exceptions. Only relevant if showStackTraces is true.


abstract fun setMaxGranularity(granularity: Int): Unit

Returns the maximum granularity of the events to be logged. Typically, 0 corresponds to the Gradle-generated test suite for the whole test run, 1 corresponds to the Gradle-generated test suite for a particular test JVM, 2 corresponds to a test class, and 3 corresponds to a test method. These values will vary if user-defined suites are executed.

-1 denotes the highest granularity and corresponds to an atomic test.


abstract fun setMinGranularity(granularity: Int): Unit

Sets the minimum granularity of the events to be logged. Typically, 0 corresponds to the Gradle-generated test suite for the whole test run, 1 corresponds to the Gradle-generated test suite for a particular test JVM, 2 corresponds to a test class, and 3 corresponds to a test method. These values will vary if user-defined suites are executed.

-1 denotes the highest granularity and corresponds to an atomic test.


abstract fun setShowCauses(flag: Boolean): Unit

Sets whether causes of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged. Only relevant if showExceptions is true.


abstract fun setShowExceptions(flag: Boolean): Unit

Sets whether exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged.


abstract fun setShowStackTraces(flag: Boolean): Unit

Sets whether stack traces of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged.


abstract fun setShowStandardStreams(flag: Boolean): TestLogging

Sets whether output on standard out and standard error will be logged. Equivalent to setting log events TestLogEvent.STANDARD_OUT and TestLogEvent.STANDARD_ERROR.


abstract fun setStackTraceFilters(stackTraces: MutableSet<TestStackTraceFilter>): Unit
abstract fun setStackTraceFilters(stackTraces: MutableIterable<*>): Unit

Sets the set of filters to be used for sanitizing test stack traces.


abstract fun stackTraceFilters(vararg stackTraces: Any): Unit

Convenience method for #setStackTraceFilters(java.lang.Iterable). Accepts both enum values and Strings.



interface TestLoggingContainer : TestLogging

Container for all test logging related options. Different options can be set for each log level. Options that are set directly (without specifying a log level) apply to log level LIFECYCLE. Example:

 apply plugin: 'java' test { testLogging { // set options for log level LIFECYCLE events "failed" exceptionFormat "short" // set options for log level DEBUG debug { events "started", "skipped", "failed" exceptionFormat "full" } // remove standard output/error logging from --info builds // by assigning only 'failed' and 'skipped' events info.events = ["failed", "skipped"] } } 
The defaults that are in place show progressively more information on log levels WARN, LIFECYCLE, INFO, and DEBUG, respectively.