api / org.gradle.api.tasks.testing / TestReport


@Incubating open class TestReport : DefaultTask

Generates an HTML test report from the results of one or more Test tasks.




Generates an HTML test report from the results of one or more Test tasks.



open fun getDestinationDir(): File

Returns the directory to write the HTML report to.


open fun getTestResultDirs(): FileCollection

Returns the set of binary test results to include in the report.


open fun reportOn(vararg results: Any): Unit

Adds some results to include in the report.

This method accepts any parameter of the given types:

  • A Test task instance. The results from the test task are included in the report. The test task is automatically added as a dependency of this task.
  • Anything that can be converted to a set of File instances as per org.gradle.api.Project#files(Object...). These must point to the binary test results directory generated by a Test task instance.
  • An Iterable. The contents of the iterable are converted recursively.


open fun setDestinationDir(destinationDir: File): Unit

Sets the directory to write the HTML report to.


open fun setTestResultDirs(testResultDirs: MutableIterable<File>): Unit

Sets the binary test results to use to include in the report. Each entry must point to a binary test results directory generated by a Test task.