api / org.gradle.api.tasks / Sync / <init>



Synchronizes the contents of a destination directory with some source directories and files.

This task is like the Copy task, except the destination directory will only contain the files copied. All files that exist in the destination directory will be deleted before copying files, unless a #preserve(Action) is specified.


 // Sync can be used like a Copy task // See the Copy documentation for more examples task syncDependencies(type: Sync) { from 'my/shared/dependencyDir' into 'build/deps/compile' } // You can preserve output that already exists in the // destination directory. Files matching the preserve // filter will not be deleted. task sync(type: Sync) { from 'source' into 'dest' preserve { include 'extraDir/**' include 'dir1/**' exclude 'dir1/extra.txt' } }