api / org.gradle.external.javadoc / StandardJavadocDocletOptions / getGroups


@Optional @Input open fun getGroups(): MutableMap<String, MutableList<String>>

-group groupheading packagepattern:packagepattern:...

Separates packages on the overview page into whatever groups you specify, one group per table. You specify each group with a different -group option. The groups appear on the page in the order specified on the command line; packages are alphabetized within a group. For a given -group option, the packages matching the list of packagepattern expressions appear in a table with the heading groupheading.

groupheading can be any text, and can include white space. This text is placed in the table heading for the group. packagepattern can be any package name, or can be the start of any package name followed by an asterisk (*). The asterisk is a wildcard meaning "match any characters". This is the only wildcard allowed. Multiple patterns can be included in a group by separating them with colons (:).

NOTE: If using an asterisk in a pattern or pattern list, the pattern list must be inside quotes, such as "java.lang*:java.util"

If you do not supply any -group option, all packages are placed in one group with the heading "Packages". If the all groups do not include all documented packages, any leftover packages appear in a separate group with the heading "Other Packages".

For example, the following option separates the four documented packages into core, extension and other packages. Notice the trailing "dot" does not appear in "java.lang*" -- including the dot, such as "java.lang.*" would omit the java.lang package.

javadoc -group "Core Packages" "java.lang*:java.util" -group "Extension Packages" "javax.*" java.lang java.lang.reflect java.util javax.servlet java.new

This results in the groupings:

Core Packages java.lang java.lang.reflect java.util

Extension Packages javax.servlet

Other Packages java.new