api / org.gradle.external.javadoc / StandardJavadocDocletOptions / getLinks


@Optional @Input open fun getLinks(): MutableList<String>

-link extdocURL

Creates links to existing javadoc-generated documentation of external referenced classes. It takes one argument:

extdocURL is the absolute or relative URL of the directory containing the external javadoc-generated documentation you want to link to. Examples are shown below. The package-list file must be found in this directory (otherwise, use -linkoffline). The Javadoc tool reads the package names from the package-list file and then links to those packages at that URL. When the Javadoc tool is run, the extdocURL value is copied literally into the <A HREF> links that are created. Therefore, extdocURL must be the URL to the directory, not to a file. You can use an absolute link for extdocURL to enable your docs to link to a document on any website, or can use a relative link to link only to a relative location. If relative, the value you pass in should be the relative path from the destination directory (specified with -d) to the directory containing the packages being linked to.

When specifying an absolute link you normally use an http: link. However, if you want to link to a file system that has no web server, you can use a file: link -- however, do this only if everyone wanting to access the generated documentation shares the same file system.