api / org.gradle.language / ComponentWithBinaries


@Incubating interface ComponentWithBinaries : SoftwareComponent

Represents a component that is composed of one or more binaries.




abstract fun getBinaries(): BinaryCollection<out SoftwareComponent>

Returns the binaries of this component.



interface CppComponent : ComponentWithBinaries, ComponentWithDependencies

Configuration for a C++ component, such as a library or executable, defining the source files and private header directories that make up the component. Private headers are those that are visible only to the source files of the component.

A C++ component is composed of some C++ source files that are compiled and then linked into some binary.

An instance of this type is added as a project extension by the C++ plugins.


interface SwiftComponent : ComponentWithBinaries, ComponentWithDependencies

Configuration for a Swift component, such as a library or executable, defining the source files that make up the component plus other settings.

Swift component is composed of some Swift source files that are compiled and then linked into some binary.

An instance of this type is added as a project extension by the Swift plugins.