api / org.gradle.model / ModelMap / create


abstract fun create(name: String): Unit

Defines an item with the given name and type T. The item is not created immediately, but is instead created as it is required.


name - The name.

abstract fun create(name: String, configAction: Action<in T>): Unit

Defines an item with the given name and type T. The item is not created immediately, but is instead created as it is required.

The given action is invoked to configure the item when the item is required.


name - The name.

configAction - An action that initialises the item. The action is executed when the item is required.

abstract fun <S : T> create(name: String, type: Class<S>): Unit

Defines an item with the given name and type. The item is not created immediately, but is instead created as it is required.


name - The name.

abstract fun <S : T> create(name: String, type: Class<S>, configAction: Action<in S>): Unit

Defines an item with the given name and type. The item is not created immediately, but is instead created as it is required.

The given action is invoked to configure the item when the item is required.


name - The name.

configAction - An action that initialises the item. The action is executed when the item is required.