api / org.gradle.platform.base / Variant


@Target([AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_GETTER, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_SETTER]) @Incubating class Variant

Declares that a property represents a variant dimension. Variants are used in dependency resolution to discriminate between various binaries that may match the requirements (such as a platform, a build type, ...). This annotation must be set on a getter. The return type of the getter must either be a String or a class implementing org.gradle.api.Named.





Declares that a property represents a variant dimension. Variants are used in dependency resolution to discriminate between various binaries that may match the requirements (such as a platform, a build type, ...). This annotation must be set on a getter. The return type of the getter must either be a String or a class implementing org.gradle.api.Named.