api / org.gradle.plugins.ide.api

Package org.gradle.plugins.ide.api



open class FileContentMerger

Models the generation/parsing/merging capabilities.

For examples see docs for org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.EclipseProject or org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model.IdeaProject and others.


open class GeneratorTask<T : Any> : ConventionTask

A GeneratorTask generates a configuration file based on a domain object of type T. When executed the task:

  • loads the object from the input file, if it exists.
  • Calls the beforeConfigured actions, passing the object to each action.
  • Configures the object in some task-specific way.
  • Calls the afterConfigured actions, passing the object to each action.
  • writes the object to the output file.


open class PropertiesFileContentMerger : FileContentMerger

Models the generation/parsing/merging capabilities. Adds properties-related hooks.

For examples see docs for org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.EclipseJdt and others.


abstract class PropertiesGeneratorTask<T : PersistableConfigurationObject> : GeneratorTask<T>

A convenience superclass for those tasks which generate Properties configuration files from a domain object of type T.


abstract class PropertyListGeneratorTask<T : PersistableConfigurationObject> : GeneratorTask<T>

A convenience superclass for those tasks which generate Property List configuration files from a domain object of type T.


open class XmlFileContentMerger : FileContentMerger

Models the generation/parsing/merging capabilities. Adds XML-related hooks.

For examples see docs for org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.EclipseProject or org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model.IdeaProject and others.


abstract class XmlGeneratorTask<T : PersistableConfigurationObject> : GeneratorTask<T>

A convenience superclass for those tasks which generate XML configuration files from a domain object of type T.