api / org.gradle.tooling / TestLauncher / run


abstract fun run(): Unit

Executes the tests, blocking until complete.


TestExecutionException - when one or more tests fail, or no tests for execution declared or no matching tests can be found.

UnsupportedVersionException - When the target Gradle version does not support test execution.

org.gradle.tooling.exceptions.UnsupportedBuildArgumentException - When there is a problem with build arguments provided by #withArguments(String...).

org.gradle.tooling.exceptions.UnsupportedOperationConfigurationException - When the target Gradle version does not support some requested configuration option.

BuildException - On some failure while executing the tests in the Gradle build.

BuildCancelledException - When the operation was cancelled before it completed successfully.

GradleConnectionException - On some other failure using the connection.

IllegalStateException - When the connection has been closed or is closing.


abstract fun run(handler: ResultHandler<in Void>): Unit

Starts executing the tests. This method returns immediately, and the result is later passed to the given handler.

If the operation fails, the handler's ResultHandler#onFailure(GradleConnectionException) method is called with the appropriate exception. See #run() for a description of the various exceptions that the operation may fail with.


handler - The handler to supply the result to.


IllegalStateException - When the connection has been closed or is closing.
