api / org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories / AuthenticationSupported / credentials


abstract fun credentials(action: Action<in PasswordCredentials>): Unit

Configures the username and password credentials for this repository using the supplied action.

If no credentials have been assigned to this repository, an empty set of username and password credentials is assigned to this repository and passed to the action.

 repositories { maven { url "${url}" credentials { username = 'joe' password = 'secret' } } } 


IllegalStateException - when the credentials assigned to this repository are not of type PasswordCredentials

@Incubating abstract fun <T : Credentials> credentials(credentialsType: Class<T>, action: Action<in T>): Unit

Configures the credentials for this repository using the supplied action.

If no credentials have been assigned to this repository, an empty set of credentials of the specified type will be assigned to this repository and given to the configuration action. If credentials have already been specified for this repository, they will be passed to the given configuration action.

 repositories { maven { url "${url}" credentials(AwsCredentials) { accessKey "myAccessKey" secretKey "mySecret" } } } 

The following credential types are currently supported for the credentialsType argument:


IllegalArgumentException - if credentialsType is not of a supported type

IllegalArgumentException - if credentialsType is of a different type to the credentials previously specified for this repository