api / org.gradle.api.file / CopySpec


interface CopySpec : CopySourceSpec, CopyProcessingSpec, PatternFilterable

A set of specifications for copying files. This includes:

CopySpecs may be nested by passing a closure to one of the from methods. The closure creates a child CopySpec and delegates methods in the closure to the child. Child CopySpecs inherit any values specified in the parent. This allows constructs like:
 def myCopySpec = project.copySpec { into('webroot') exclude('**/.data/**') from('src/main/webapp') { include '**/*.jsp' } from('src/main/js') { include '**/*.js' } } 
In this example, the into and exclude specifications at the root level are inherited by the two child CopySpecs. Copy specs can be reused in other copy specs via #with(CopySpec...) method. This enables reuse of the copy spec instances.
 def contentSpec = copySpec { from("content") { include "**/*.txt" } } task copy(type: Copy) { into "$buildDir/copy" with contentSpec } 

See Also



abstract fun eachFile(action: Action<in FileCopyDetails>): CopySpec
abstract fun eachFile(closure: Closure<Any>): CopySpec



abstract fun exclude(vararg excludes: String): CopySpec
abstract fun exclude(excludes: MutableIterable<String>): CopySpec
abstract fun exclude(excludeSpec: Spec<FileTreeElement>): CopySpec
abstract fun exclude(excludeSpec: Closure<Any>): CopySpec



abstract fun expand(properties: MutableMap<String, *>): CopySpec



abstract fun filesMatching(pattern: String, action: Action<in FileCopyDetails>): CopySpec

Configure the org.gradle.api.file.FileCopyDetails for each file whose path matches the specified Ant-style pattern. This is equivalent to using eachFile() and selectively applying a configuration based on the file's path.

abstract fun filesMatching(patterns: MutableIterable<String>, action: Action<in FileCopyDetails>): CopySpec

Configure the org.gradle.api.file.FileCopyDetails for each file whose path matches any of the specified Ant-style patterns. This is equivalent to using eachFile() and selectively applying a configuration based on the file's path.


abstract fun filesNotMatching(pattern: String, action: Action<in FileCopyDetails>): CopySpec

Configure the org.gradle.api.file.FileCopyDetails for each file whose path does not match the specified Ant-style pattern. This is equivalent to using eachFile() and selectively applying a configuration based on the file's path.

abstract fun filesNotMatching(patterns: MutableIterable<String>, action: Action<in FileCopyDetails>): CopySpec

Configure the org.gradle.api.file.FileCopyDetails for each file whose path does not match any of the specified Ant-style patterns. This is equivalent to using eachFile() and selectively applying a configuration based on the file's path.


abstract fun filter(properties: MutableMap<String, *>, filterType: Class<out FilterReader>): CopySpec
abstract fun filter(filterType: Class<out FilterReader>): CopySpec
abstract fun filter(closure: Closure<Any>): CopySpec
abstract fun filter(transformer: Transformer<String, String>): CopySpec



abstract fun from(vararg sourcePaths: Any): CopySpec
abstract fun from(sourcePath: Any, c: Closure<Any>): CopySpec
abstract fun from(sourcePath: Any, configureAction: Action<in CopySpec>): CopySpec



abstract fun getDuplicatesStrategy(): DuplicatesStrategy

Returns the strategy to use when trying to copy more than one file to the same destination.

The value can be set with a case insensitive string of the enum value (e.g. 'exclude' for DuplicatesStrategy#EXCLUDE).

This strategy can be overridden for individual files by using #eachFile(org.gradle.api.Action) or #filesMatching(String, org.gradle.api.Action).


abstract fun getFilteringCharset(): String

Gets the charset used to read and write files when filtering. By default, the JVM default charset is used.


abstract fun getIncludeEmptyDirs(): Boolean

Tells if empty target directories will be included in the copy.


abstract fun include(vararg includes: String): CopySpec
abstract fun include(includes: MutableIterable<String>): CopySpec
abstract fun include(includeSpec: Spec<FileTreeElement>): CopySpec
abstract fun include(includeSpec: Closure<Any>): CopySpec



abstract fun into(destPath: Any): CopySpec


abstract fun into(destPath: Any, configureClosure: Closure<Any>): CopySpec
abstract fun into(destPath: Any, copySpec: Action<in CopySpec>): CopySpec

Creates and configures a child CopySpec with the given destination path. The destination is evaluated as per org.gradle.api.Project#file(Object).


abstract fun isCaseSensitive(): Boolean

Specifies whether case-sensitive pattern matching should be used.


abstract fun rename(closure: Closure<Any>): CopySpec
abstract fun rename(renamer: Transformer<String, String>): CopySpec
abstract fun rename(sourceRegEx: String, replaceWith: String): CopySpec
abstract fun rename(sourceRegEx: Pattern, replaceWith: String): CopyProcessingSpec



abstract fun setCaseSensitive(caseSensitive: Boolean): Unit

Specifies whether case-sensitive pattern matching should be used for this CopySpec.


abstract fun setDuplicatesStrategy(strategy: DuplicatesStrategy): Unit

The strategy to use when trying to copy more than one file to the same destination. Set to null to use the default strategy, which is inherited from the parent copy spec, if any, or DuplicatesStrategy#INCLUDE if this copy spec has no parent.


abstract fun setExcludes(excludes: MutableIterable<String>): CopySpec



abstract fun setFilteringCharset(charset: String): Unit

Specifies the charset used to read and write files when filtering.


abstract fun setIncludeEmptyDirs(includeEmptyDirs: Boolean): Unit

Controls if empty target directories should be included in the copy.


abstract fun setIncludes(includes: MutableIterable<String>): CopySpec



abstract fun with(vararg sourceSpecs: CopySpec): CopySpec

Adds the given specs as a child of this spec.

 def contentSpec = copySpec { from("content") { include "**/*.txt" } } task copy(type: Copy) { into "$buildDir/copy" with contentSpec } 

Inherited Functions


abstract fun getDirMode(): Int

Returns the Unix permissions to use for the target directories. null means that existing permissions are preserved. It is dependent on the copy action implementation whether these permissions will actually be applied.


abstract fun getExcludes(): MutableSet<String>

Returns the set of exclude patterns.


abstract fun getFileMode(): Int

Returns the Unix permissions to use for the target files. null means that existing permissions are preserved. It is dependent on the copy action implementation whether these permissions will actually be applied.


abstract fun getIncludes(): MutableSet<String>

Returns the set of include patterns.


abstract fun setDirMode(mode: Int): CopyProcessingSpec

Sets the Unix permissions to use for the target directories. null means that existing permissions are preserved. It is dependent on the copy action implementation whether these permissions will actually be applied.


abstract fun setFileMode(mode: Int): CopyProcessingSpec

Sets the Unix permissions to use for the target files. null means that existing permissions are preserved. It is dependent on the copy action implementation whether these permissions will actually be applied.

Extension Functions


fun <T : FilterReader> CopySpec.filter(vararg properties: Pair<String, Any?>): CopySpec
fun <T : FilterReader> CopySpec.filter(properties: Map<String, Any?>): CopySpec



abstract class AbstractCopyTask : ConventionTask, CopySpec, CopySpecSource

AbstractCopyTask is the base class for all copy tasks.