api / org.gradle.api.publish.maven / MavenPom / withXml


abstract fun withXml(action: Action<in XmlProvider>): Unit

Allows configuration of the POM, after it has been generated according to the input data.

 apply plugin: "maven-publish" publishing { publications { maven(MavenPublication) { pom.withXml { asNode().appendNode('properties').appendNode('my-property', 'my-value') } } } } 
Note that due to Gradle's internal type conversion system, you can pass a Groovy closure to this method and it will be automatically converted to an Action.

Each action/closure passed to this method will be stored as a callback, and executed when the publication that this descriptor is attached to is published.

For details on the structure of the XML to be modified, see the POM reference.


action - The configuration action.

See Also