api / org.gradle.plugins.signing / Sign / sign


open fun sign(vararg tasks: Task): Unit

Configures the task to sign the archive produced for each of the given tasks (which must be archive tasks).

open fun sign(vararg publishArtifacts: PublishArtifact): Unit

Configures the task to sign each of the given artifacts

open fun sign(vararg files: File): Unit

Configures the task to sign each of the given files

open fun sign(classifier: String, vararg files: File): Unit

Configures the task to sign each of the given artifacts, using the given classifier as the classifier for the resultant signature publish artifact.

open fun sign(vararg configurations: Configuration): Unit

Configures the task to sign every artifact of the given configurations

@Incubating open fun sign(vararg publications: Publication): Unit

Configures the task to sign every artifact of the given publications
